Celebrating, explaining and developing the rights that Citizenship of the European Union gives us
The Treaty of the European Union
If you are a citizen of an EU country then you are automatically a citizen of the EU, with extra rights, privileges and responsibilities. Hopefully we’ll help you not just to understand all of this but also to celebrate it in the company of like-minded people!

Why IT BEnefits us
EU citizenship adds value to your life: cherish it

It's totally unique
There is no country in the world that on its own can give you the same rights as an EU citizen.

Respect and protect your rights
Recognising shared rights encourages mutual respect, leading to a more stable and peaceful community.
What is citizenship?
Three parts to EU citizenship

Your most fundamental right as an EU citizen is that nobody can discriminate against you on the basis of nationality. Most of the other rights define how that relates to specific issues, such as freedom of movement, voting rights, consular protection and so on.

Not unreasonably, EU citizens have obligations to the country in which they choose to reside. These include respecting the law, paying taxes and voting. Those of working age are expected to be willing to work and if necessary defend the country.

EU citizenship comes with significant advantages, notably the ability to live and work anywhere in the EU. There are other benefits, such as being able to set up a business anywhere in the EU and having full access to other countries' public services and healthcare when you’re abroad.
Personal reality
What EU citizens are saying about their citizenship
What EU citizens think
European Optimism
The latest Standard Eurobarometer (June 2019) shows optimism is significantly on the rise yet again with 61% optimistic about the future!
More and more Europeans feel they are EU citizens:
73% of Europeans feel they are citizens of the EU, which is the highest level ever shown by this indicator.
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